Carried by Angels to Heaven

A friend of mine, who works in northern Africa, told the story of a woman’s encounter with angels, which eventually led to her becoming a Christian. Her husband had been watching Christian television broadcasts, through which he became a Christian. She, however, experienced this as being very difficult, because she was a very devout Muslim. One day when her husband was driving a large truck carrying gas tubes, there was a terrible accident. The entire truck exploded and he died almost instantly.
The woman told my friend: ”I thought my husband had gone to hell, but that night I woke to a powerful shaking of the ground. I heard someone call my husband’s name and I went out on the balcony.
There, I saw two men in glowing white clothes standing on either side of my husband, who was lying down. He looked so peaceful and he was also dressed in glowing white clothes. The two men lifted up my husband and carried him away towards heaven, further and further away until they finally disappeared.
I was completely shaken by this, but at the same time, thankful that God had shown me this vision.”
After this, she was convinced her husband had been taken to heaven.
In the last book of the Bible, it tells about the white clothes and the heavenly multitude, as it says,
“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”
(Revelation 7:9). (NIV)
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